Woman’s Love
A woman’s weakness is the neatness and cleanliness of her home. She wants it more than Asian art. A woman whose heart does not desire such lacks a fragment of her womanhood. A woman’s satisfaction is beauty. She has to like her home. She needs to see everything around her fine to include her few things at home like furniture, wardrobe, herself and her child.Yet no matter how she desires these simple whims and no matter how she acts on them if some emotional torture is going on in her life which she Is positive that is being intentionally inflicted on her, desire for such simple want can fade away. She would settle to something she did not want or could not even take and it is quite maddening because women have two first loves. It is to see herself looking good and making her little abode to look quite nice and cozy to live at. It is happiness. It is peace. Her little place may not be grand but it is neat, nice, and the most important part of all, it is private. It is class. It is like looking for artworks for sale in a gallery or perhaps online instead of hopping from street to street road checking on crafts.
People are locked in to their own respective units as opposed to other places where you see neighbours in the middle of the road gossiping while there is a common scenario of the king and his sidekick whom all the neighbours had to bow down to and anyone whom they spot on with charisma who has been unintentionally getting the attention of the neighbours is a threat to them. In such a road, no one would back you up because they are scared. No one wants to end up a dead meat.
Any woman of silence and of finesse will be provoked to fight and be fierce with such kind of people around.A woman will then realize that her behaviour depends on the situation intentionally inflicted to her. Her behaviour will largely depend on the kind of people she is being surrounded by. And this only means that for every kind of person is a proper place. Stooping down once in a while like being civil with people is fine but being in such environment for a long time with the kind of people whom you cannot take is sickening. This goes well too with someone whom a woman is with in her house. A home is a woman’s first love. It should not be compromised and this includes whom she has to be with inside her little abode of Asian art.