Concubinage is a term that has been introduced for women who had relationship with married men, but failed to marry them due to certain reasons like lower status. In short, a woman living a married-like relationship with a man without marrying the man is called as concubinage or concubines.There are several reasons due to which women since centuries failed to marry the person whom she considered as her life partner. It can be the lower status of the woman or married status of the man that becomes the barrier of their half relationship. Therefore, it has always been men who has high economic or social status and have concubines.Dating back to history, the Concubinage has become a history where many former rules had their wives, but never failed to get involved with concubines. This was almost common during those days and so the families of concubines also provided them with social and financial stability along with moral support. The Concubine definition is not very common even though it is a history which is followed since years. It has happened during the time when Israel men acknowledged their concubines and supported them financially.
Also, some concubines got same legitimate rights that men’s wives received in the house.If considered the time in Europe and China, Concubinages have been permitted to live the normal culture. They were free to live their lives freely with the financial and moral support they received from people and their men with whom they kept affair. During those days, this type of relationship was legally accepted and their children were also given rights, though not much right is provided to them like the real children. Apart from Europe and China, the same relationship was found in Greece. However, many stories were found in scripted forms in ancient Greek culture. Still, the presence is not different from it. It is just that the circumstances and behavior has changed.Concubinage is different from slave concubinage where a woman sacrifices her body just to feed herself and her family.
Even the history has been recorded where ancient Draconian law allowed a man to kill another man if he finds his concubinage with other.In modern day, a man offers his own apartment and money, but does not live with her. In fact, the person is not married, but intentionally commits this crime even after being married. Keeping this type of relationship only gives heartache, but during the ancient times it was more like a trend or passion which is still carried forward in a different way. Concubinage was more involved in the upper class or the king who had concubines. This relationship does not intend to actually get married, but to stay separated with their relationship legally. One benefit that the concubinage received was to enjoy all the rights that a wife basically enjoys.